Have you felt the BIT of Northern breeze from the upper part of our great state dipping down into our Southwest utopia?If you are living at the elevation on Manasota Key it is heavenly!! Our friends on Manasota Key have discovered it this week and certainly have welcomed it after the “dog days of summer” continue on with many of the days heat index’s being record breaking.
Even with the heat” life is still a beach,” on Manasota Key! Today the Turtle Patrol were busy digging the eggs out of a matured nest. Many residents gathered on the beach at 7:30 a.m. to witness this incredible adventure of and the new hatchlings with their first sight of light as they walk to their home the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. If you have not seen this you must come down or up depending on where you live! The season will be over the end of October, so come now!!
The Gulf of Mexico is still very warm and though Tarpon season officially ended July 15th, there are plenty still around. They will remain till the waters drop to low 70’s. All the sport fishing seem to have a very late start this year and local guides feel certain it is because we had such an unusual cold winter for Florida! If you have not fished Tarpon off Manasota Key it is not too late. I was paddle boarding yesterday and went along side a school of small ones. I was so excited I almost fell off the board!
Looking out into the beautiful waters of the Gulf as I write this blog to you, it is likes gems glistening on top of the water! We are so fortunate to live here and hope that if you do not that you will consider coming to visit us! One visit will entice you to become a part of our family….promise!!!