Our own Manasota Key residents Franklin (Clem) and Mary Clements brought to life “the child” in all of us once again during the MBC Member Olympic Games played annually, and hosted at the perfect backdrop of the Manasota Beach Club!
Clem, I have gathered through the years originated the event but Mary has always been at his side. So hats off to this lovely, enthusiastic and energized couple!
There are a lot of organizers involvement leading up to the great day of fun, including great dinners. The Hess’, the Roberts, the Jezerinac’s, the Hunt’s, Tony, and of course the Buffum’s, all plan well ahead for the event!
The Grand Prize Winning Team was captained by Harold Morrison and his team members were CiCi Cook, Juergen Matt, and Carol White! GO Team #7!!!
A perfect day was topped off with Hot Dogs, Chicken, Brats, salad beer and wine!
So please dear members of our wonderful Manasota Beach Club look toward next year and how much fun it would be to have you join in the games or come and be a spectator!!